A Doctors Advice

“Like many people, you’ve probably tried to lose weight and failed. You are not alone… I’m going to give you the knowledge, skills, and support to put you back in the driver’s seat. You and I are going to build a different kind of relationship than you may have experienced in your past medical treatments. I’m not going to use prescriptions, warnings, or fear tactics. Instead, I’ll be your coach, your guide. Together, we’ll put you on the path to taking permanent charge of your health.”
~ Quote from Dr. Andersen   (Dr. "A")

Holiday Strategies for Weight Loss

Well, November is here and that starts the season of holiday get togethers, candy at the office, more lunches and dinners out, more traveling for some and vacations and of course, more stress than normal.
There are a few important things you must remember to make it successfully through the holidays!
  1. Don’t skip a meal
  2. Stay away from fruit
  3. No beer or wine!!
  4. Peanut butter and cheese are too full of fat calories!!
  5. No Popcorn.  It is healthy, but full of carbohydrates and will kick you out of your fat burning state.
Ok. So let’s go over a few strategies that will help you get through this tempting time.
First, I want to commend you for being on the support calls, because support is very important in your success.
  1. Seek Support!  Through your family, HA (health advisor), and support calls
  2. Stay to the guidelines of your health plan as close as you can! 
  3. Ask for sparkling water and lime instead of beer and wine
  4. If there is a special holiday food that you will feel deprived of if you don’t have…then take one or two bites-just a taste and you will be surprised how satisfying it is.  Remember the first 2 bites taste the same as every other bite.
  5. Eat more of the salads and green veggies at a dinner party and make the meat a “side dish”
  6. Don’t serve family meals family-style.  Keep pots and dishes away from the table where it’s all too easy to go for seconds!
  7. Learn to “eyeball” the proper serving size that is right for you and stick to them when dining out or dishing up meals.
  8. Eat healthy fast foods!!
  9. Physical activity is a good way to burn calories and it makes you feel great before going to a party, and remember to eat something healthy on your way out the door!
  10. Have Fun!!!!  Become great at mingling…Become the life of the party!!!